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Powering Higher Education Digital Experiences with Strapi: YAKOO's Headless CMS Implementation


As a leading technology solutions provider, YAKOO is committed to empowering our clients with cutting-edge digital tools that drive innovation and transformation. Recently, we had the opportunity to work with a prominent university in Hong Kong to implement the Strapi headless content management system (CMS), and the results have been truly remarkable.

The Challenges of Legacy CMS in Higher Ed

Our client, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), was facing significant challenges with their existing content management system. The legacy CMS proved to be rigid, difficult to customize, and lacked the flexibility to seamlessly integrate with the growing number of specialized applications and tools within their digital ecosystem.

This inflexibility hindered the university's ability to deliver the engaging, omnichannel digital experiences that today's tech-savvy students, faculty, and stakeholders demand. The content management process was cumbersome, and the IT team was frequently overburdened with requests for updates and new functionality.

Stakeholders are currently facing the following challenges:

  1. Admin: The traditional CMS is coupled with both a backend and frontend in one codebase, resulting in a high turnover rate. CMS deployments typically involve a large amount of business logic and coding knowledge, making them difficult to use for newcomers.
  2. IT: Traditional CMS not only thrives in functionality but also maintains high security standards. It's very common for an updated version or patch to be released every couple of weeks to raise the Higher Ed IT's alert. Moreover, traditional CMS ecosystems are heavily dependent on third-party modules and plugins; aligning the compatibility between third-party plugins and CMS core versions would be very difficult.
  3. Faculty Management: Rapid change, the world of the web is constantly evolving, and with the coming new opportunity from Greater China, Higher Ed is in a key position to successfully deliver the message. There is no doubt that a framework that offers high scalability and flexibility is desirable.

Embracing the Power of Headless CMS with Strapi

After carefully evaluating the market, YAKOO recommended Strapi as the ideal headless CMS solution to address the university's pain points. Strapi's open-source, API-first architecture provided the freedom and scalability the client needed to build and deliver content-driven experiences across multiple platforms and devices.

Working closely with the university's IT team and the users of the Faculty, we implemented Strapi and integrated it seamlessly with their existing infrastructure. This powerful combination unlocked a range of benefits for the client:

  1. Streamlined Content Management: Strapi's intuitive content types builder and robust administrative panel empowered the university's content teams to create, manage, and distribute content autonomously, reducing the burden on IT resources.
  2. Omnichannel Content Delivery: By decoupling content from the presentation layer, Strapi enabled the university to deliver their digital assets consistently across their website, mobile app, and other touchpoints, ensuring a cohesive brand experience for their audience.
  3. Enhanced Flexibility and Scalability: Strapi's modular, API-driven architecture allowed the university to easily extend its functionality and integrate with their growing ecosystem of specialized tools, setting the stage for future expansion and innovation.

The Transformative Impact

The implementation of Strapi has been a game-changer for our client's digital initiatives. They have witnessed a significant improvement in content authoring efficiency, faster time-to-market for new digital experiences, and enhanced user engagement across their various platforms.

CUHK Innovation Limited- Website Development

YAKOO undertook the website development project for CUHK Innovation Limited. We whipped up a super user-friendly and dynamic platform that not only looks fresh but also perfectly captures the essence of what CUHK Innovation Limited is all about. The website showcases everything from the broad scope of their work to the nitty-gritty details of their funding programs and the success stories of startups.

To keep all that content up-to-date and easy to manage, we rolled out Strapi as the content management solution. Strapi makes it super easy for users to keep everything updated without a hitch, ensuring the site remains as lively and functional as it is eye-catching. Whether users are hunting for information on funding support or just checking out startup stories, navigating the site is smooth and completely intuitive.

  • Website URL:
  • Year of Development: 2024
  • Scope of Service: Website Development
  • Customer: CUHK Innovation Limited

Leading the Way in Higher Education Digital Transformation

As the higher education sector continues to evolve, the need for innovative, flexible, and scalable digital solutions becomes increasingly critical. By partnering with YAKOO and leveraging the power of Strapi's headless CMS, our client has positioned themselves at the forefront of this transformation, ready to deliver exceptional experiences that engage and empower their students, faculty, and community.

If you're a higher education institution in Hong Kong (or beyond) looking to unlock the full potential of your digital initiatives, we invite you to explore the benefits of Strapi and connect with our team at YAKOO. Together, we can help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of content management and drive your institution forward.